Entering Switzerland from Austria we swung through Zurich, and found it to be a lot like a European Singapore – very orderly and full of bankers. We took a scenic train through to Interlaken where we stayed for a few nights. Using Interlaken as a base to explore the Alps. We managed to fit in a lot of hiking and sightseeing, even visiting the famous set of the classic James Bond film On Her Majesties Secret Service on top Schilthorn. After Interlaken we headed to Saanen to catch up with our Swiss family!

After 10 months on the road we finally arrived at our home away from home, Sannen. We were greeted at the train station by Ivo and we made our way to our apartment for the next 2 weeks, the longest stay of the trip so far.

Pete and I had a week in Sannen catching up with friends and meeting new additions to the Paroni family. We spent an afternoon hiking the hills as the weather was not optimal for any kind of winter sports like we hoped. The only bonus with the clear skies was the clear views and the views from the top of the mountain were perfect.

After a week alone we were super excited for the arrival of Pip, Andrew and Todd. They arrived on the 22nd just in time for a quick shower before we ushered them off to Ivo’s 40th Birthday at the local snowboard hire shop. Not too long after our arrival Ivo was surprised by one of his closest friends from the other side of the country. This was not to be the only party surprise as within a few minutes my parents showed up. I had not seen them in 10months and all the Swiss kept a very good secret, some of the Swiss were as surprised as I was to see them. All in all it was such a great reunion for everyone and awesome to see Mum and Dad.

The next few days we explored downtown Gstaad, known for its high class shops and amazing Swiss Chalets, owned by the rich and famous. The town was full of long fur coats and some eccentric fashion as we perused shop windows and took in the sites.

On Christmas eve we were treated to a traditional Swiss Christmas dinner with some of the best sausage meats we have ever tasted, it helps when a Swiss chef is cooking. We ate our way through the variety of salads vegetables, sausages and sauces. After dinner we exchanged presents while the ‘lighting of the tree’ was happening, this involves real candles being placed on the tree that are set alight and you all sit around and watch as the candles burn. This is a strange tradition considering all the houses are made out of wood.

Christmas day involved ice-skating on a frozen lake something that I’m sure will be remembered by all in years to come – very special. Once fitted with our skates some took to the ice easier than others, with our Swiss comrades to lend a hand there wasn’t too many slips and spills and zero broken arms, so all in all a success.

Christmas night we were up for another Christmas dinner with the other side of the Swiss family, there was 18 in total so much wine and many laughs were had throughout the night.

The next day we all hit the slopes for some snowboarding and skiing, as it was with skating some took to the snow easier than others. We were lucky to have the trained Swiss instructors on hand to help while some of us enjoyed the runs down the mountain. Lots of pictures and many laughs with a few beverages to finish the day, everyone was pretty sore and exhausted.

One of our final days in Switzerland we made our way to 3000m above sea level to Glacier 3000 where we thought we would try some boarding. We really tested our skills or lack of and found ourselves in a few sticky spots. We finally made one run but after a 20 minute T-Bar ride back up the mountain it was time to call it a day. We enjoyed the views from the top with a clear visibility of the surrounding Alps.

We said goodbye to Mum and Dad and our Swiss family and boarded the train to Amsterdam where we all met back up for New Year’s Eve.