










I am lucky enough to be taking 12 months away from the busy world of Trauma Nursing and travel through Asia and Europe. I am nervous but at the same time excited about the year ahead the people we will meet and the places we will visit. At first I was nervous to leave behind an amazing job and comfortable lifestyle, which may I add sounds absolutely ridiculous just to write that down now, but at the time that was my main concern.

I have always been a keen traveller ever since my parents took me on an oversees trip to Switzerland in 2004. When I left school in 2006 I decided to apply for Camp America in 2007, where I found myself at a summer camp in Fox Lake, Illinois. From here I travelled the east coast of the States with my cousin and flew across to the UK, where I met up with my best friends and travelled through the UK, Germany, Switzerland and Canada before returning to Australia 6 months later to start university.

I commenced my nursing degree in 2008 and managed to squeeze a few trips in between study. A few included South East Asia (Laos, Vietnam, Bali and Thailand). After graduating in 2011 I started my nursing career and a few years later found a passion for trauma nursing.

Back in 2012 I met Pete and found we had the same passion for travel and adventure. Since we have been together my collection of outdoor attire has definitely increased significantly. Pete loves hiking and climbing and with no experience in either I’ve managed to be persuaded numerous times on hikes and mountain climbs. We have been to New Zealand most years to visit family or for friends weddings and we always manage to squeeze in a ‘small’ hike or two. So let’s see what the next twelve months brings. 






Hello World! Welcome to our website.

This trip has been a while in the planning and I’m excited it is finally getting underway. It’s a new experience for me to be travelling on such a long trip, and to not be working while on the road. Putting my day-job as a hydrographic surveyor on hold was nerve wracking at first, as was selling up all our stuff and leaving Perth. 

My first major overseas adventure began when I was 21, I had just graduated from university and landed a job in Perth, Western Australia. Without even being able to point to Perth on a map (poor form considering I make maps for a living!), or knowing anyone there I packed my bag and crossed the ditch. My work involves a fair bit of travel, I have been lucky enough to work on projects in the Caribbean, the Maldives, Philippines, Japan, Singapore, China, Australia and New Zealand. I am excited to do revisit some of the places I have been for work and see more than just the airport and the port, and hopefully add a few countries to the list.

Spending time away at sea always gets me planning my next adventure, which will usually involve hiking or camping somewhere.. I am usually carrying a camera around with me on these trips, so expect lots of pics starring Hayley!