We spent two nights in the small capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana (Lube-lee-anna), which is a great wee town with a population of about 60,000 university students scattered throughout the city it had a great vibe. We ventured up to the castle where we were able to have a view over the city and surrounding Alps at sunset. There is a river that flows down the middle of the city with Christmas markets on one side and cafés and bars on the other we spent a few hours wondering. From Ljubljana we made our way to Lake Bled, where the town sits on the lake with a castle overlooking it on one hill. We spent a full day exploring the lake and soaking up some much needed sun, although still with jackets and scarfs on. We met some others in the hostel, 5 Aussies, and we all teamed up together and headed out for Vintgar gorge. This was a really nice day spent hiking through the bush and finding waterfalls, there was ice everywhere! The water that was pouring through the gorge was a crystal blue colour and just stunning.

That night we all went down to the opening night of the town Christmas markets where a famous Slovenian singer was performing. The whole town had come out for the event so after walking around for a while we found a place for dinner and headed back to the hostel for a fun night in. From Bled we jumped on a bus through the Alps to Salzburg.