Our time in Denmark was short but sweet. We had a long weekend in Copenhagen over Mid-summer when the Scandinavians come out to play and celebrate the longest day of the year. Our short trip to Denmark started in Malmö, Sweden, where we took a train across the bridge to Denmark. We stayed in Nørrebro, a very cool and diverse district of Copenhagen. Being Midsummer there was a party atmosphere in town, so we ventured out into the streets and joined in. High-school graduates were on the back of trucks, driving through the streets dancing and yelling (and streaking). The canals were packed with revellers on boats out to be seen as much as they were there to see things.

We spent some time wandering the streets of Freetown, Christiania, an old hippie commune that is now home to some of the more colourful people in Denmark. We were also lucky enough to catch up with friends from New Zealand who were passing through, it was nice to have some friends for a change while we are on the road!